Radical Play: Games for Self-Determination

Digital NEST: High Tech for Young Minds

Game Changers 2016 was a huge success!
A weekend of game-making. Over 80 participants, most first-time coders and game designers. 2 different locations. Communities from Watsonville, Salinas, UCSC, and CSUMB united through games. A total of 19 original games.

The Event

Day 1: Paper

Participants learned the process of game design and how to communicate ideas with games. They had a blast playing, modifying, and designing card games of their own.

Day 2: Computer

In the 2nd day, they formed groups and learned the basics of programming by making an original game with the game engine Twine and Javascript. Check out the games below!


Digital NEST, Watsonville

Alisal High School, Salinas